1 Person Band

I have a client (My brother, Russ Carson Jr, Family Tree Nuts, History & Genealogy Service) that his company is just starting up and hiring my team to shoot hundreds of videos per year isn’t quite in the cards yet. So how does he shoot and live stream them? Himself.

How? This is 1 of the ways:

-iPad Pro 2021 on ATT

-Rode Go 2 - https://amzn.to/3Cq0iaG

-Phottix Pada CF Light Stand - https://amzn.to/3Ai1JWZ

-Owine iPhone / iPad Mount - https://amzn.to/3Cq0iaG

-PromptSmart Pro App (records video and is a teleprompter!)

He shoots most B-Roll on his handheld iPhone.

Uploads the footage for our team and then we edit everything together.

Craziest part — his videos receive thousands -> 100s of thousands of views and NO one complains about the video quality.

In 2016 I believed that for some things it was possible to have our clients shoot everything for us and we could ‘fix-it-in-post’. At the time the tech wasn’t nearly ready for that. In 2021 that is a completely different story. There is MASSIVE advantages to having pros shoot the content, but it isn’t always possible. You just have to think outside of the box a little.

**Bonus - Enable Apple’s “Center Stage” feature for apps (in system app settings) and the front facing camera will follow them if they shift their position or stance — always putting them in the center of the frame.

How could this concept improve or change things for your business model?



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